Chapter Five from my cousin's online novel is now up. It somehow gets even better with every chapter, so if you haven't started it, be sure to take a look.
If you have any interest in reading, writing, art, or just awesomeness in general, you should really check out author Neil Gaiman's Online Journal. In yesterday's entry, he posted two great links that list writing advice from some fabulous authors. Here they are:
Similarly, if I had some sort of time-traveling power where I could go back and have a chat with my high school honors English class, here are the ten things I would impart upon the aspiring writers -- including the 18 year old version of myself -- of that class:
1. Familiarize yourself with madness, but don't succumb to it; chances are you're most of the way there already if you want to be a writer.
2. Don't envy the success of other artists. Instead, network with them. It's a much more rewarding course of action.
3. Disregarding a work of art due to the genre it's lumped in, the age group it's intended for, or the medium in which it's conveyed is never a good idea. Brilliance can be found everywhere. Have an open mind.
4. Every person is entitled to speak his or her own thoughts, but remember that your dreams are some of your most important possessions. If something foul, condescending, or rude is said about your dreams, smile and continue your course. But don't let go of them.
5. Recognize fear, and know that you aren't immune to it.
6. Write as if each story is your last memento to the world. You never know, it very well could be.
7. Celebrate the fact that you are capable of horrible writing. We learn through revision and chopping away at the words our stories don't need.
8. Treat writing like a job you really enjoy. Just like other jobs, you will advance through experience, putting in lots of hours, hard work, and by being friendly and professional to your colleagues.
9. Trying to publish something that you would be embarrassed to read aloud probably isn't the greatest of strategies.
10. Thank people for their suggestions about your work, even if you don't agree with them.
If you could go back and tell your younger self ten things, what would they be?
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