Saturday, July 18, 2009


It's been a busy week so far. Catching flights, catching up at work, catching up with a few friends, and working out my move to a new apartment are all pretty exciting. Next week holds the promise for more adventure.

Speaking of exciting, I'm coming up to a major event in Dogtown. The big choice I face is, after the event occurs, do I want to switch writing styles -- like third person to first person, etc -- or maintain the current style I'm using? When I'm reading other authors and they pull a stunt like that, I usually find it frustrating or annoying with very few exceptions. I'm mulling it over now in the hopes that I'll have reached a decision by the time I get to the event.

In regards to reading, after finishing Wally Lamb's The Hour I First Believed, and Orson Scott Card's Ender in Exile, two great but also tragic novels, I was in the mood for something comedic. My cousin recommended Paul Neilan's Apathy And Other Small Victories, which turns out to the the perfect balance to the other two novels. In other words, it's fucking hilarious. Reminds me a lot of John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces, another one of my favorites.

For movies, I haven't been to the theater in awhile, but two movies have been recently released that I've been looking forward to for a long time: The Hurt Locker and 500 Days of Summer. So far these films have received nothing but sheer praise, yet I keep hearing people say that nothing good is coming out this summer. Why not check these ones out?

I think the next post will be about adaptations. Until then, "stay frosty" folks. Bonus points to anyone who can guess which movie that line comes from. Hint: J.K. Rowling paid homage to it in her final Harry Potter book.


  1. Aliens?

    Gotta go steal some salt shakers.

  2. Correct! Bonus points officially credited to Brian.

    Stealing salt shakers, eh? Sooj would disapprove.
