Sunday, April 25, 2010

Excellent article on drafts and the studio system.

This was just so good and timely that I had to link it. It's a brilliant examination on first drafts, rewriting, and the journey of a script though a studio system. Read it:

New Website To Check Out

My cousin, whom I've mentioned in previous posts, built a new website that will serve as the home for his art and writing. Check it out:

If you click through the links, you'll be able to find some of the previous short stories he's written. As an avid short story reader myself, I hope he adds more!

I also laughed when I read the "About" section. His humor always gets to me.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Artwork Update

The Artist kicks an epic amount of ass. I'm not even sure planet Earth contains the sufficient amount of asses to meet her quota of asskickery. She might have to branch off into other solar systems and start kicking alien-life-form-ass, just to satiate and balance the amount of awesomeness she radiates. That's just how it is.

So why am I singing the praises of The Artist again? Well, as of today I have seen two versions of in-progress art for Magic In Dogtown. I'm blown away by them. She's pure talent.

You have to understand, I had a vastly different idea for the artwork when I first approached her with the prospect of creating something for the novel. At that point I'd seen the CD cover she designed, and a series of intricate studies posted on her website. They were very detailed and had an indescribable type of mathematical precision to them that was instantly appealing.

So when I met with her the first time, I handed her a few ideas I had for what the artwork could entail. I envisioned a series of small, quick sketches, (the main one being of a solitary vagrant under a dirty street light) which I described to her the best I could.

That was last year. Since then The Artist has read sections of the story to get a sense of the mood, and has come up with a portrait of a gritty, urban cityscape that, even in her preliminary drafting stages, completely bowled me over. I've stared at them for hours and my eyes still pick up new cool details and secrets. If I could, I would post them up here, but I want them to remain hers and not the property of "The Internet". Thus, their reveal shall have to wait.

In the meantime, I can say this though: The Artist totally kicks ass.

Friday, April 16, 2010

My Moments of Madness Sometimes Amuse Me

So I'm reading through my rough draft for the first time, marking all the things I want to change with pen, when I stumbled upon something towards the end of the book. It was just one word, but it caught my attention:


Written just like that, in a paragraph entirely of its own. No capitalization or punctuation. It had nothing to do with the story or dialogue or... anything, really. But it's in there, and I definitely wrote it. It's also in the first printed draft that I packaged for the girl the book's dedicated to, who's probably scratching her head over it just like I am.

Thing is, I have no memory of writing it, nor do I have any idea as to what idea I was trying to convey.

You have to understand... by that point, the birthday deadline was looming, and I was up writing around 5,000 words a night on top of a full-time job. I was hip-deep in madness and exhaustion. I was probably seeing leprechauns dance across my computer screen at the time. Playing the bagpipes while dancing naked in the streets were most likely distinct possibilities to my fried brain that night.

Still, when I read it just now in my first read-through of the rough draft, I burst out laughing. It's definite proof that writing and insanity are one and the same. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

First Draft Done


The past few months have been insane in the push to get it finished in time, "in time" being the birthday of the person the novel's dedicated to. To write it by the deadline, I had to kiss instant messaging, facebook, and a few of my other favorite distractions goodbye for a little while. This decision, in turn, positioned me to take the brunt of a few "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" rants. My apologies go out to those people! It wasn't personal!

Also, because the girl who the book is dedicated to reads this blog, my online writing got pretty slim there for awhile, because I know she would be smart enough to pick up any hint or slip whatsoever that would reveal my intentions. I wanted it to be a surprise, and luckily I was successful in that respect.

So, was it worth it? Most definitely, because she is worth it. If it weren't for her, the novel wouldn't exist in the first place. She deserves all of it and more. I'm so happy and relieved it all worked out.

So now that the rough draft is done... what now? Well, for starters, a MASSIVE amount of editing and rewriting. First drafts are always shitty, and I will be spending a lot of time, erm... de-shitifying the story as much as possible. The first draft is about getting the damn thing written, now I can concentrate on the voice, flow, pacing, and detail of the story. As much as I love writing, I enjoy this part of the process as well.

Also, since the secret's out, I'll be updating this site more often. I'm sure all of the two or three people who actually read this are overjoyed.

Stay tuned. More updates soon.